The Ressurection and The Life

He is Alive

There's an old sermon titled "It's Friday But Sunday's Coming" the first time I remember hearing this sermon was from Tony Campolo back in the 90's, who was so moved by the message that he wanted to convey the impact of the sermon to others.
When Friday was upon the people, Jesus was being crucified his body was beaten and torn blood was pouring from the wounds inflicted by the Roman soldiers the crowed was jeering some were crying but nothing could be done for the one with the nails in his arms and legs.
Mary was crying for her son Jesus who was hanging on the cross all hope was gone for Jesus lifeless body.
The truth is they could not see Sunday that there would be a resurrection of The life giver.
You see it was Friday Peter was as bold as a lion with Jesus in the garden and took out a sword to protect the Prince of life but Jesus surrendered himself as a criminal, now Peter is denying that He knew The Christ
In times of trouble don't forget what was revealed in the light, but that was Friday and Sunday hasn't arrived yet.
The priest were asking Jesus to prove that he was the messiah they asked him to preform miracles for there amusement, soldiers blindfolded him and slapped Jesus saying prophesying who hit you messiah.
He was beaten with the 'cat of nine tails' His body torn apart there was no mercy for him
but that was Friday Sundays coming
As Jesus was on the cross he cried Father Forgive them for they don't know what there doing and just before he died he said "It is Finished" then darkness filled the land but that was Friday.
Three days later as the sun rose early Sunday morning so did Jesus The Only Begotten From God our Father.
If we accept this that Jesus died to take away our sins (as long as we realize we ourselves are sinners) and rose from the dead to give us eternal life if we accept this life and live as God requires us to live according to the Holy bible being led by The Holy Spirit we can share in his eternal life. Be Blessed This Easter.
Tune in to The Voice of God Show tomorrow as usual every Sunday 8 am to 10 am and hear the true message of Easter. No video available on line at present


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