God On The Mountain

Lynda Randle Review
If you like old time gospel music then Lynda Randle Hymns CD is a must for you music collection.  It has 13 great tracks starting with At Calvary which starts with the statement “ Years I spent in vanity and pride, Caring not my Lord was crusified” This sums up all our lives untill we accept Jesus in our hearts the next track is ‘Victory in Jesus’ each track is a clasic with a medley Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior/I Need Thee Every Hour at track 9. The last track is ‘When I get to the end of the way’ this song explains that what ever we go through in life when its finished we will relise it was all worth it.
God On The Mountain is an interesting title song letting the listeners know that God is the same no mater where you are if your in the valley or on the mountain top. This CD also has a few classics on it one of my favourite songs is ‘One Day At A Time’ which I’m glad to say is on the play list. ‘Theres Power In The Blood’ reminds me of when I was a child in church “There is power in the blood” Each song shows a Jesus who wants to be intimate.

CD Avaliable HERE


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