Behind Prison Walls

Word Out Productions
Introducing a site that caters for personal testimonies  click link HERE and check out this site you won't be dissapointed. Christian Broadcast Council presented 'Behind Prison Walls' documentry with there CBC Media Heart Award, the film speaks briefly about the troubles between the Protestants and Catholics giving some satistics about the country where the Tianic was built. No wonder that this testimony has won an award Martin Tuson 'Set Free Ministries' (check out his link) has been used to help transform some of the most hardened criminals in prisions after a true encounter with the risen Christ. In this documentry you can hear some amazing testimonies from inside a prison wall.


Dougie March a personal friend and an evangelist who was in 7 different prisions a violent football  hooligan until Jesus revealed himself to him after he followed 2 girls to church. Since his transformation he has prayed for a dead man in Africa who came back to life, it was recourded in the news papers and on local radio. check out his site HERE
I am reading a book 'Gangland To God' about a young man who as a child had a visitation from Jesus and after the death of his mother's life went from bad to worse, stay tuned and next week I will give a full review.Check out his site HERE


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