Black History Month UK Tribute

 The Truth About Racism

Ever wondered what it was like for a black person in the UK during the late 1960/70’s, this was a time when you could be attacked for walking down the wrong street or looking the wrong direction. Have you ever been mocked or beaten up because you ate food that contains ‘spices’ or has a name that seems strange to British culture.

When I was a child I watched a series called ‘Roots’ which had such an impact on my life, by allowing me to understand why people around me acted the way they did.

In 1997 the film Amistad was released. This film was based on the factual treatment of blacks and the Caucasian attitude towards them. In my opinion, one of the most powerful movies about racism towards slaves that I’ve ever watched.  It might be hard for people to comprehend why in this day and age racism needs to be mentioned? It is built within the fabric of society that is overlooked we our selfish in this way – which is why I was anxious to read Dr Philip G Asante book ‘The Truth about Racism’.

Unless you have experienced racism I don’t think you can truly understand!
Why such a controversial statement; 
A man or woman cannot choose their parents or where they are born Martin Luther King Jnr, The American Civil Rights Movement , Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid struggle were for black people to be treated as equals.
There is a difference between choice lifestyle for example:
Homosexuals, lesbians, ISIS, Muslim or Christian extremist ( There is no real proof that people are born with a gay gene it is like saying that people are born with a paedophile genetic code)  etc… you cannot equate a chosen life style to one that is given without consent, and that makes all the difference. 

This book attempts to answer some main questions which differentiate types of racism, how and where did it start, is it in the church etc… You will learn some interesting facts, Dr P G Asante book is not only well researched, but he has experienced first-hand what it is like to live in a racist climate by imputing some of his personal experiences in this book you will feel and understand why it is important to deal with this root cause.
When a child is abused without any apparent reason except for the colour of his or her skin those rejection types of scars go deep and you carry them for life.

Just to clarify a point a ‘gay’ lifestyle, or some mental disability etc will not be noticed by visually looking at someone but skin colour is visible to all even to people who say “I don’t see colour” 

The truth about racism, ‘shows that it’s that quantity of melanin we have that determines skin colour’, which simply means the more sun a country receives the darker the skin colour of its indigenous people! 

This is a professionally written book which will open your eyes to true Christianity could it be possible for Christians to introduce segregation in to South African culture? Our outlook on some biblical text will be challenged simply because of our selfishness and ignorance which need addressing. Why are the words stereotyping racial profiling used and do you understand institutionalised racism. Its important to be aware of these attitudes and to examine ourselves.

My recommendation for this book is that it should be given out in schools and be compulsory reading for children of all nations.
I’ve noticed when I was younger racism was blatant the majority would say to your face what they thought of you. Political correctness has changed our cultural thinking which has only helped to conceal the problem by using craftiness to hide the discrimination attitude for fear of prosecution.
We live in an age of so called equality lets take the royal law from the bible “love your neighbours as yourselves” this would sort out the worlds problems  and do away with  the old ‘slave master’ mentality.

My prayer today Lord Jesus allow us to be sensitive to your truth and examine our attitudes.


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