Arthur Burt

My Personal Tribute

I first met Arthur when he was 93 years of age. Some people age, without gaining much wisdom, but this could never be said of Arthur Burt. We got on well, being fellow sportsmen.

His demeanor was that of a father-figure or statesman. We talked about his walk with God and the time he spent with Smith Wigglesworth, one thing I would say about my friend was that he was without guile! This is why I admired Arthur and his family; they treated you as if you were part of the family. I love that old-fashioned respect, which doesn’t seem to be around much anymore.

While interviewing Arthur at 100 years of age, I asked the question ‘What legacy do you want to leave?’ His answer was that ‘we need to be humble’. This man of God realised the curse of pride and spent the latter years of his life exposing his flaws, within his powerful books and humble lifestyle. In his gatherings, Arthur would always giving way to people to speak at meetings whatever God had laid on their hearts.

I was sent by God to meet Arthur at one of these so-called gatherings. At first it was not clear to me, why God would send me to such a meeting. The first day, I thought that it was one of the worst meetings I had ever attended, but later on I grew to understand the problem was not with Arthur, he was a man submitted to God. Nearly every word he spoke at these gatherings you knew were from the throne room.

I remember once in a meeting he spoke as any proud grandfather would, immediately in the next meeting he apologised saying ‘what I said was wrong.’ It’s the rarest statement I’ve ever heard from a Christian! 

A humble man of God not afraid to admit his mistakes. We all need to take a leaf out of that book.

This style of meeting has the potential for the Holy Spirit to flow freely but also for people to speak whatever they want— and they do! The problem was, fleshly people took advantage of opportunities, especially as Arthur grew older. The word of God came forth and people ignored it. I thought if we had a relationship with God, surely we would be all be in one accord but the devil hates unity and will fight all he can. 

Arthur would explain what God expected in these meetings, at times there would be a sweet presence of God, usually when signing and often after a word. People at these meetings love God and people. These meetings were an eye opener for me, but most of all I thank God that I was privileged to spend time with Arthur and meet some of his children. I also made good friends, people who came from around the world to attend these meetings.

It was an amazing season in my life. I will never forget the first time: I was there with my wife when The Spirit of God visited for a while, and instantaneously it seemed as if all stared praising God in one accord.

My prayer today is: Lord Jesus allow your Spirit to breathe on us again.

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