Is Music What Brings Revival
Musicians Throughout July
Some people say its the music that brings the presence of God but does it bring revival. Its a well known fact that in 1904 God's Spirit visited Wales more than 70,000 people joined the churches in under 3 months, now that's a move of God? The history of the change of the nation is documented throughout the court systems and police statistics of the time. The revival has been known as a singing revival but was it the singing that brought about this revival? if it were true the world would still be in revival because people are singing the same old song and new one without the effect that Wales once experienced. What was is it that allowed God to draw near. Duncan Campbell says that God stepped down I believe this is the best description of a visitation of Gods Spirit. God dealing with Evan Roberts was unique but not isolated to the named individual. The world has got faithful servants whom are being prepared by the living God for the next move which I believe will be upon us soon. This month I have set aside the time to interview different singers to help understand how God moves on singers to show his glory.

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