A Month of Rappers & Singers
What is Going To Bring Revival

I miss the days when every time I went to church Gods presence was there. It makes me wonder why so many churches settle for second best. The bible says we should be going from glory to glory but the glory dose not seem to be in many church's. I'm talking about what I have experienced here in Wales. We have had little moves here and there for a very short season but nothing lasting. The most amazing word I could share was that signs and wonders followed the early believers and it has been noticed that God honour's his servants whom he chooses not chosen by people or the church but hand chosen by God, some example are Evan Roberts, Smith Wigglesworth, Duncan Campbell, DL Moody to name a few its the 2nd blessing if the hand of God is on your life to be what God has called you to be then don't try and be someone else stay in your calling and guard your anointing. Stay Blessed

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