What Are We Calling Revival

What Is Above What We Can Think Or Imagine

God is not dead He is very much alive and still moving with his children.The bible is not just a natural book its a book which God is the author, therefore unless were born again of Gods Spirit we can only understand the natural literature meaning such as the historical or poetry aspect etc...  This might be the reason revival is so miss-understood. Duncan Campbell described it as God steppng down! A friend of mine spoke to me about hearing his dad preaching in Wales when he was a child and the presence of God was so thick that you could not see the people. Thats the Glory of God! most people can only believe what they see but God says in the bible its abundantly more than what we think or imagine. revival is coming again its like a dry cloud over Wales at the moment just a few more prayers and the rain will start to pour down of this I'm sure. 


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