Motown & Gospel
Motown Releases Its New Gospel Label
On Tuesday 2 April 2013 Motown launched the new label. This is good news for christians as we look at the current siuation with what is happening in the world today. A fresh anointed wind of the Holy Spirit is needed to give new life to dead dry bones. Its good when healings happen but we often rush and start shouting revival! It would be interesting to see how this next move of God will start. Could it be from Motown gospel release? why do we think it will start with people with gifts and not the giver of gifts Miracles are from God not man our part is to develop a godly character. One thing Ive noticed about God is that He is long suffering (we can get away with alot) but as we develop a relationship whith Him we realise God always gives conditions to relationship which Jesus stressed in St Johns 14-17 just before he left his diciples. Heaven help us all if God decides to change His mind about who enters heaven otherwise many people might change their mind about going themselves.

On a positive note Award Winner Steve Devereux will be sharing his expertise about Motown Gospel History tomorrow 2 June 2013 8-10am check out my itinerary
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