A Nation To Change The World

Who is The Greatest Role Model
George Jefferys founded The Elim Pentecostal Churches he and his brother were used mighty by God what was the catalyst that sparked the Welsh revival hear an account Sunday 3rd June 2012
In 1904 the world was affected by what has been called the vastest spreading revival. The origin was a small nation called Wales, Great Britian. A boy of 13 years of age determained in his heart not to miss a church meeting no matter what was temptation. After 13 years of faithfulness and prayer The Holy Spirit visited him in a unique and and personal way by the age of 26. Within 3 months of Evan Roberts ministry in South Wales the whole world was talking about what God was doing through this young man. The Nation of Wales had changed. History recorded the events, how the pit pony’s used in the mines had to be re-trained because miners had stopped using foal language, the pony’s were cofused, not understand the new clean rhetoric the minors were using. White glove were also worn by judges because there were no serious crimes to judge, Pubs closed, debts were paid husbands providing for their families etc people could sense God in the atmosphere these are the true signs of God moving through his people. Jesus paid the price 2000 years ago for our sins but history shows that when we pay the price (obedience)things seem to happen many men and women have been used by God to bring change to our world. God never uses novices young men & women need to be mentored by experianced people of God, prayer is key, we are all part of one body when we fight each other the worl is not seeing Christ so why should the world changed? Let the people see Jesus in me


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