Did Jesus Really Die Friday acknowledged as the day when Jesus, the Son of God was crucified by orders from Pontius Pilot. Although Muslims will say Jesus was never killed, but the truth is, if Jesus never died Christianity is a lie. It might be a strange event to follow a leader who died. I would not be so ignorant to do such a thing. You see Buddha, Mohamed and Abraham died etc… The difference is Jesus died then rose from the dead three days later. Now you might say ‘well that happened 2000 years ago’ I would also agree with that statement, without a shadow of contradiction. The bible teaches us that the death of Jesus Christ, was to take our place, Romans 5 explains this fact, The strange thing is the Quran Surat Maryam 19:33 even stated that Jesus was going to die! What a strange fact to be found in a book which the religious Muslims leaders teach, Jesus never died. They claim, God saved him by taking Jesus to heaven (pity he did not do the same fo...
Start of The Church Pour out a double measure Lord is my prayer for today! I noticed there was an extended length of ‘Thunder and Lighting’ yesterday in Wales, early Saturday morning about 5 am. Could this be a sign that God is ready to release the promised, former and latter rain! Time will tell. I have heard a lot of good news from Christian ministers, that people are starting to be drawn into churches this year; something has started to stir people. Pentecost the day the New Testament church started, I’m not talking about the denomination ‘Pentecost’ with the evidence of tongue talking! No I am talking about Pentecost with the Power to witness of Jesus as the Messiah! Acts 1:8 A lot can be said about what Jesus intended His church (body) to be like; but too many self-appointed Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers are running things (the church). Ephesians 4:8 If Jesus was walking ...
Grace Card I hereby promise to: 1. Pray for you every day 2. Ask for forgiveness 3. Grant you the same 4. Be your friend always A roll call is given at a police station, officer Wright has just been promoted to Sgt Sam Wright, while he is waiting for his transfer he is asked to partnership with officer Mac McDonald, a racist who hates everything and everyone. Sam is a part time pastor who is called to love everyone. Is this partnership, a heavier load than what can be expected? Mac McDonald has a wife named Sarah who is trying her best to keep the family together but to no avail. Father and teenage son just can’t get along, they both seemed to have hit rock bottom. Sarah McDonald starts to see a psychiatrist about their son but she realises that the problem runs through the whole family. In contrast to Sgt Wright his prob...
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