Intro About Gospel Raph

This is My Journey
I was born to Jamaican parents who came to the UK as missionaries to help bring back revival they have graduated to heaven, but the vision they started has been burning in my heart, to see the fulfillment of their vision.

As a youth growing up in South Wales in the early 70's black people we not the in thing, as they are now. Nowadays youngsters think is cool to be black people love the gangsters!
When I was a child if someone called you a nigger('N') there was going to be some serious trouble, but the youths are using the word without any true understanding of what it really meant to our for fathers. But its ok to use the 'N' word because hes a ghetto 'N' or that 'N' is my brother, so when a white person starts using the word we have got no excuse to ask him to 'shut up' because we have give people licence to disrespect us.
When Rodney Glen King III was filmed getting beaten by Police officers which fueled the 1992 Los Angeles riots,  you would think we should have learn something about respect.

On this video you will see many stages from my life history, my parents, ground zero, Even Roberts memorial, The Millennium Cardiff South Wales UK etc its a fast moving video with some boxing footage.

This illustration is only to show where God has taken me from until the day I met Jesus Christ this 2 min 8 sec video puts my life journey into perspective. I hope you enjoy it and you are blessed.

I present a Radio Show 8am to 10am Uk time on Radio Cardiff my website is at can be found here.


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