Baptism of The Holy Spirit & Fire

Baptism From The Throne  of  God

People deny other peoples experiences becaue they have not experianced it for themselves. For example if you have never experienced being born again why should you believe there is such a thing.
The same applies with the baptism of The Holy Spirit it needs to be experienced and the fruits should be the evidence. Here My Personal Testimony
For  a person to be born again you invite The Holy Spirit into your Heart and a change will take place in your life this is evidence of the new you. St John 3v3
With water baptism you are dry before you go in the water when you come out  your are wet this shows an outward expression of an inward cleansing. Acts 8v38
When a person is baptised with The Holy Spirit, This means totally immerssed with his Spirit you will suddenly walk with the Power, Kindom Authority and a Boldness from God. The power is a continual stream flowing through you to others. Matt 3v16 John 7v38


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