Muhammed Ali My Inspiration

The Race

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things (1 Corinthians 13:11).  
On February 25,1964 a big mouth 22 year old Cassius Clay defeated one of the most unpopular boxers of all time Sonny Liston with a 7th round TKO, nobody expected this to happen, it could be liken to the biblical character of David fighting Goliath. 

I was not born when this fight took place but as a child in the 1970’s,  I remember watching this great fighter, whom by then had changed his name to Mohammed Ali, the reason behind his conversion,can be found in some of Ali's interviews, my brief version is because of the ignorance of religion especially certain white Christians acting as if they were superior to the black race. D. Fard Muhammad on July 4, 1930. The Nation of Islam's stated goals are to improve the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of African Americans in the United States and all of humanity.

What a shame that we can’t all just get along. After all God made one race that’s the Human race, unless of course you believe we evolved from monkeys which breads racism.

Here is a video called the race  edited by 


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