The Holy Spirit Moving

Darren Wilson Film Producer

I was quite surprised to see people like Lenny Kravitz, Brian Welch who were known for their wild music and lifestyles in a video like this, about the manifestation of Gods Holy Spirit moving on the earth today.

Darren Wilson was called by God to produce a film about God. This latest instalment called the Holy Spirit, the others being Furious Love, Father of Lights and not forgetting the first The Finger of God. This is live documented action without scripts, so what you see is what you get.

The film starts with Darren and the team visiting Salt Lake City (Mormon State) to show that there is a real God, who moves on people, through His presence The Holy Spirit.

It’s an interesting scenario seeing God move on people, it almost seems like a magic show but the people are being set free and coming into a real relationship with Jesus Christ.
These films by Darren are done in a style with a lot of live commentary they should be classed as documentaries about the reality of God.
The Holy Spirit follows the technique of the former which have some powerful testimonies; I would like to point out that Darren works with people who walk in the power of God, and this fact that cannot be denied
God loves people and he will search to find a man or woman with faith so God can show his glory;
It was incredible to see God move after a rock concert with people who were showing the demonic finger gestures before, God worked healing and moved among many who decided to surrender their lives to Jesus. It reminded me of the woman at the well in the bible, she brought everyone to see Jesus and they said we believe because we have seen.

An interesting conversation took place between sensationalists, they believe that, the Apostles operated in the miraculous gifts in Jesus day, but when the last apostle died so did the gifts!  What can you say when miracle are happening in Jesus name in front of you!

God is love that’s why he sent His only son Jesus to die for our sins John 3:16).
Jesus said greater love cannot be found than someone who would die in place another person. When Jesus explained the Christian life he mentioned training and stewardship. It is important to walk close to Jesus.
I love to feel Gods presence but I realise our choices determine our destination  (1 Corinthians 9:27)   don’t be fooled by people and ministers who teach that Jesus has touched and delivered you and your ticket to heaven is brought and paid for no matter what!
Don’t get me wrong I know when were saved were sealed and ready for heaven, but the decisions we make have consequences.
This is the reason why the Jews were called to take the gospel to the rest of the world because they know what it means to live a Holy life

My prayer today is let us die to our selfish ways and put you first then everything else will fall into place.


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