The Real American Idol

Sidewalk Singer

Back in the day talented singers and musicians would practice their trade in clubs, pubs and on street corners also known as buskin.  
Sidewalk Singer is a film that is so true to the life of a Christian. Every true Christian suffers persecution in some way, as the bible states in so many places of the New Testament.

Watching Kris Kivi character, in this movie brought to reality, a reminder of my own Christian walk.  Kris lost his family due to a traffic accident, he is a practicing Christian before the tragedy and remains so after, but life events sometime leave a stain on the soul.
 In the time of Jesus problems in a persons life were looked on as God punishing our sins, and sometime that may have been the case, even though we have a loving God, sins never go unpunished unless there covered by the blood of Jesus. 
God hasn’t finished with Kris he is a good example of a real Christian his life style proves this. What church is he attending? He is ministering on the street and spreading the word of God through song to his listeners. I would call that street ministry. When people say to me that they don’t need to go to church to be a Christian I totally agree as long as they are in fellowship
with other believers and sharing Gods love. God never saved up to hide the light he has put in us!
The power of this movie is that a man who loved God lost everything family, house and what people hold dear in this material world, but he never seem to lose his praise! God can work through any circumstance!
This film carries a strong Christian message of faith and forgiveness. A message to encourage us to move on with our lives like a solider fighting the good fight of faith. You will be encouraged and blessed watching this movie.

It truly has the Gospel factor!   

Check it out


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