It Is Finished

What Does It Mean For Us

When Jesus was on the cross it the bible states He cried "it is Finished" this is found John 19:30.
Did Jesus mean that He finished his work  as he stated in John 4:34.
In other words was Jesus letting us know He carried His own cross and we must bear our own cross. There is a verse in Matthew 20:23 Jesus spoke to His disciples and said you will indeed drink of my cup. In this statement he was referencing to a personal suffering, which can be recognized by reading  Matthew 26:39 which Jesus ended by saying "Not my will but Thy will"

You might wonder why I'm quoting such scriptures. The reason is many people teach a lot of different doctrine but the bible says we should all be on one accord.
How can this be if most doctrines contradict other doctrines, could it be because people are teaching when there not called to teach. I would rather be approved of God than put in a position by man.

When Paul wrote his epistles he started by letting His readers know his calling and  position was from God. He even said follow me as I followed Christ. How many people in ministry could say that today.

I thank God that He is a God of love and mercy. there seems to be many doctrinal camps:

God loves us so much we can do anything, He understands it and in fact ordained it so we don't have to worry about anything, live as you please.
Do not be commended by people Gods Grace will cover all It a free gift called Grace (Unmerited Favor).

This camp would be more of the prophets of God and True Apostles who understand God voice.
They understand that God has always given a condition to everything He gives us
a) Eat of any tree but do not eat from the tree of good and evil.
b) Believe in your heart and Confess from your mouth.
c) Forgive and you will be forgiven etc.....

You might think I choosing a few scriptures to justify what is being written, but have you ever thought we might have a wrong perception of the word GRACE.

What do I mean, did you know that the bible says in James 4:6 'gives more Grace' surely if you can get more grace then a person can have less!

Therefore I state that Condemnation is only for people who walk contrary to the word of God.
In other words if we are seeking God with all our hearts, then conviction will help us grow more like Jesus and condemnation will not affect us,it says in Romans 8:1 to them that walk after the Spirit so condemnation is for Christians who yield to the flesh.

This can be proved quite easily by yielding to God! can this be done is it possible for us to walk right with God or not.
We have free will (unless we have some sort of possession), lets use our free to say no to the Devil submit to God or as the scripture put it 'resist the devil and he will flee' James 4:7


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