There Is A Falling Away

I'm waiting For The Double Portion Some people say, there is not going to be a revival before the return of our Lord Jesus, they are focused on a falling away. There's going to be a great falling away, but in the same way we are going to have the greatest revival the world has ever seen. Gods people are going to shine like lights. I mentioned what God has showed me in some of my resent blogs. I believe both are going to happen. The falling away I believe has started. Calvinism is a demonic teaching used to put the body of Christ at ease, in a state of COMPLACENCY. If Jesus was a live would He be a Calvinist? God forbid! Jesus believed in Evangelism which means that 'The elect principle' can not be true otherwise Jesus would never have felt the need to evangelize. Jesus was full of GRACE yet He said things like "pick up your cross and follow me" and deny yourself, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul etc.... Jesus had 1...