Can Wales Have Another Revival

Are You Ready For Revival

My Guest this week is Charlie Stacey he was friends with a minister called Pricey Davis who baptised the Jeffery brothers, They were converted in the Welsh Revival of 1904.  George Jefferies pioneered The Elim Pentacostal Churches. There was a little known testimony given nearing the end of the 1904 Welsh Revival saying that "the dark skin people would bring revival back to Wales". This was an unusual prophecy in them days because there were hardley any black people about. Also prophecies are only true when we see the results. In a time when the State Churches are emptying but Black Pentacostal churches are still growing maybe theres some truth to it. One thing thats true is if a person seeks God with there whole heart God will answer even if your a Jew or Gentile. 
Tune in 8am to 10 am every Sunday Listen and be blessed.


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