The God Encounter
Face To Face With Jesus
I was in a bad mood with a friend of Jesus and I said a prayer that went something like this Lord Christians do what they want to and use your name to justify what they do. The next thing I knew was I was kneeling at the feet of Jesus understanding the scripture that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is? He showed me how people are judged and that there is no time in the spirit. As I grow in the Spirit Iam understanding more about the face to face encounter. God knows what we are going to do before we do it, many of the things we do he dissaproves of so when we thing that we only can do what God allows this is not true but there is a line which God does not let satan cross in individual lives according tio what you can bear. Check out my site and blog for more experiances. Listen live every sunday morning to the Voice of God Show 8am to 10am Radio Cardiff

Nice! x