I Saw Jesus

Jesus is Alive
The purpose of the gospels is to let the world know that the creator of the heavens, earth and sea's visited the world he created to show that he love's us and wants us to spend eternity with him in a place called heaven. People have claimed that they have been through the veil of death and have came back to let us know their stories. Scienctist claimed that the white light people claimed to see was an imagination of the mind. Recently medical science had a change of heart when a young lady died and claimed that she watched all that was happening to her. When they tried to bring her back to life,  she said she left the hospital building and that there was a shoe on the building roof. After finding the shoe on the roof there was proof that she had indeed left her body and was not having an hallucination. Sunday a Hindu claimed to have meet Jesus in 1982 and  received a healing. This face to face meeting has led not only to a change of life style but a deep conviction that there is no other way but  to go through the door which is Christ. Tune in Sunday 8am -10 am and be truly blessed.


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