The End Nigh

Is William Roach Right

It was a shock to me when I saw on Yahoo Daily TV round-up page "Corrie's Bill Roache predicts world will 'change dramatically' on 12 December" Hollywood has releasd many films with a spiritual theme! it shows that people are searching for some spiritual meaning? I resently got news from a spiritualist that her husband died & met Jesus and came back to life to let her understand that Jesus is the one you must answer to when you leave this world. Yes there is a spiritual world there always has been. The question to ask is am I ready to meet Jesus. 
Times were changed by his birth.
More people follow Jesus Than any other religious person.
He is the most historically documented person thats ever lived.
More books have been written about Jesus than any other person.
His birth, death & Resurection were perdicted before he was born!
Jesus claimed to be God in human flesh
All his disiples left him doubting that his claims as the messish were true when Jesus died.
When he rose from the dead his desiples knew 100% that Jesus was who he always claimed to be.
Most of his desiples died because the world would not denounce Jesus as their Lord & Saviour.
Even today Christians die as Martys because they will not deny Jesus has risen.
What more proof do we need.........Jesus is coming soon 


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