Corrie Ten Boom

Are Jews Gods People In 1940 Hitler invade Holland the Netherlands, the Jews were searched out and taken to concentration camps for extermination. Where was God in all this you may ask! My answer to you would be, "what possess people to carry out such inhumane acts, has nothing to do with God but the devil" We decide our destinies by the way we live our lives as Christians. This is where my story starts when talking about the Ten Boom Family. My mother talked about Corrie Ten Boom her story was one of love and forgiveness, Corrie traveled the world sharing her testimony about her time in Ravensbruck concentration camp. Betsie her sister and their Father Casper were taken from their shop, and imprisoned for having too many 'food stamps'. There real crime was for hiding the Jewish people but they had no evidence to prove this 'crime. It may seem ancient or an old fashioned practice which is so out of date or inconceivable to some people that a race of peo...