
Some Still Say All Roads Lead To Rome A friend of mine spoke to me a few years ago about Christlam, what is this I asked he talked about an Islamic friendly gospel? How can two walk together unless they agree! See Amos 3:3 It is impossible for a Christian to say Allah is one God and Mohamed is his last messenger as Muslims claim. It is a lie from satan! who in their right mind would follow a so called prophet who at the age of 53 married a 6 or 7 year old girl and consummated the marriage at 9 justify it by saying it was the custom of the time? Then go and marry their daughter in law. (according to the majority of traditional hadith) I’m disgusted that the UK government think this is ok and we can live side by side with Islam ‘the religion of peace’ as long as you don’t show a picture of Mohamed because they will kill you. How can Christians say Islam is fine and we serve the same God? Our God has a Son named Jesus. God begets not nor ...